”Nicolae Testemitanu” University team - armwrestling champion for the fifth time
The team of Nicolae Testemitanu State University of Medicine and Pharmacy became 5 times armwrestling champion, surpassing the 23 professional sports clubs from the Republic of Moldova participating in the 7th edition of the National Armwrestling Championship.
The competition was held on March 11, 2023, at the University Sports Complex of our institution, under the patronage of the Armwrestling Sports Federation of the Republic of Moldova and the Ministry of Education and Research.
Overall, 273 athletes contended with each other for 18 hours during the fierce competition. In the team ranking, Nicolae Testemitanu University got first place, accumulating 274 points and obtaining 11 gold, 8 silver and 10 bronze medals. The State University of Physical Education and Sports (237 points) won second place, while "Titan" Sports Club from the Transnistrian region (189 points) – third place.
The team of our university's club was represented by 31 athletes: – Nicoleta Bodrug – sixth year student at Preventive Medicine specialty; Gheorghe Birsanu – third year student, Public Health specialty; Cristian Renta – fourth year student, Faculty of Stomatology; Ion Tripadus – third year student; Victor Antir – second year student; Valeriu Carafizi – third year student; Stanislav Balan – second year student; David Davtean - second year student and Fiodor Popsoi - first year student - all from Faculty of Medicine No. 1.
Also, other teammates contributed to the score obtained by our university - athletes from high schools and colleges, who joined the sports club of Nicolae Testemitanu University as performers in this kind of sport.
Based on the results recorded at the national stage, the athletes who will participate in the current year's European and World Championships will be selected.
It should be mentioned that, this year, the former graduate of our university Daniel Procopciuc (currently a resident doctor at Gr.T. Popa University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Iași, Romania) obtained the title of Emeritus Master of Sports in armwrestling, while Anna Belenciuc, PhD student, neurologist at Diomid Gherman Institute of Neurology and Neurosurgery in Chisinau and student Nicoleta Bodrug (armwrestling international senior referee) - the title of Master of Sports in armwrestling.
The armwrestling team of Nicolae Testemitanu is No.1 in team rankings at the national championships of 2017, 2018, 2020 and the winner of the National University Armwrestling Championship, 2019 edition.
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